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Chapter News


April 28, 2021 - Congratulations to Brother Colonel (retired) Donald (Don) Porter on his appointment as a Public Member of the North Carolina Judicial Standards Commission (NCJSC). Earlier this month Governor Roy Cooper announced the new appointments and nominations to boards and commissions across North Carolina.


Brother Porter is a 1992 Iota Alpha Lambda Chapter initiate and member of Epsilon Rho Lambda Chapter.


He is the former executive director of the Raeford/Hoke Economic Development Commission, where he advocated for economic investment across Southeastern North Carolina.


Bro. Porter is a 1967 graduate of Norfolk State University and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Infantry upon graduation. Bro. Porter later served in multiple leadership positions in South Vietnam. In 1974, he transitioned from the Infantry to the Ordnance Corps where he would serve in key logistics and management positions in conus and combat, to include Operation Desert Storm and Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti. In 1999, after 30 years of distinguished service, Bro. Porter retired.

In 2000, he was inducted into the United States Army Ordnance Corps Hall of Fame.


The Judicial Standards Commission was established in 1973 and acts as an arm of the Supreme Court of North Carolina to ensure the impartiality, independence, and integrity of the Judicial Branch. Bro. Porter’s Term of Appointment ends December 31, 2026.

Name, Title

Bro. Billy Buckner

Alpha Man of the Year

Bro. Charles Houston

Military Brother of the Year 

Neophyte of the Year



First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All

December 4, 2020 - Brother Billy Buckner received the Joseph W. Summers Alpha Man of the Year award and Brother Charles Houston received Military Brother of the Year and Neophyte of the Year awards during the 2020 virtual Founders Day Celebration on Dec. 4.

Buckner helped to establish and launch the chapter’s first ever webpage, served as campus advisor for Phi Gamma Chapter seated at Methodist University, and raised more than $2,600 for the annual March of Dimes Walk for Babies as well as supported numerous other events and activities.


Brother Houston led the Voteless People is a Hopeless People campaign resulting in the chapter receiving a NC Democracy Grant to support the NC adopt a county vote protector program, facilitated countless voter registration events as well as spearheaded the chapter’s support of the Fayetteville Salvation Army Homeless Shelter feeding program and much more.

“Without question, Bro. Buckner and Bro. Houston epitomize the spirit or our great fraternity Manly deeds, Scholarship, and Love for all mankind,” said Bro. Anthony Henderson, president Epsilon Rho Lambda Chapter.

During the ceremony, the Chapter also recognized three Brothers with 50 or more years in the Fraternity (Bro. Donald Dixon (57 years), Bro. Billy King (53 years), and Bro. J. Vernon Peterson (50 years) along with 14 other Brothers who have 25 or more years in Alpha. This year’s celebration theme was “A 114 Year Investment in the Treasury of Good Fellowship.”


Bro. J. Vernon Peterson, a 1970 initiate NU Chapter, Lincoln University, and keynote speaker, challenged the brotherhood to be “the best men we can be.” As he reflected on his 50 years in the Fraternity, Bro. Peterson left us with this thought-provoking question “What rules this House”?


Graduating College Brothers from Epsilon Zeta Chapter (Fayetteville State University), Phi Gamma Chapter (Methodist University), and Tau Nu Chapter (University of North Carolina Pembroke) were also acknowledged.


Onward and Upward Always! 


Onward and Upward!

Brother Anthony Henderson (right) was installed as the 2020-2021 President, Epsilon Rho Lambda Chapter, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. in a brief ceremony in north Fayetteville, NC. Brother Henderson is a 1989 initiate of the Alpha Phi Chapter at Clark Atlanta University. Brother Paul Salmon (left), outgoing President, successfully led the chapter through a challenging time in its history. Thanks for your vision, leadership, and commitment to moving us to the next level. Seventeen Brothers were on hand to witness the officer change over while others observed  via Zoom. Onward and Upward! 


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Brothers Join Unity March to End Police Brutality

June 13, 2020 - On Saturday, Epsilon Rho Lambda joined the Unity March in Fayetteville to end the brutal behavior of the police. More than 800 people participated in the event. The Unity March, in response to the murder of George Floyd, an unarmed African American, by police officers on Memorial Day in Minneapolis, MN brought together people from diverse backgrounds.


“Police brutality is nothing new,” said Bro. Andre Battiste. “These are things we’ve grown up with. We want to bring awareness to the trials and tribulations affecting people who are being marginalized in today’s society.”


The Unity March was organized by the Let’s Make it Happen Together, a local nonprofit organization founded to help at-risk youth. The Unity March started at the Walmart parking lot on Skibo Road and ended at True Vine Ministries Church parking lot on Morganton Road. When the marchers got to the church, they heard inspirational music, spoken word, and remarks from community leaders.


Fayetteville Police Chief Gina Hawkins commented, “From behind the scenes, you can be educated, trained and speak up and make a difference.”


The brothers conducted voter registration on the scene.


EPL Welcomes Spring 2020 Initiates

March 21, 2020 - Epsilon Rho Lambda welcomes its newest members to the 227th House of Alpha, "These 16 talented brother's with diverse backgrounds and knowledge adds to the foundation of what we call Alphadom", said Bro. Paul Brown, intake coordinator. They add such strength and knowledge to our chapter. They are vital to carrying on Alpha Phi Alpha 's mission of developing leaders, promoting brotherhood, and academic excellence while providing service and advocacy for our community. Congratulations and welcome to Bro. Thurman Tatum III, Bro. Chris Chislom, Bro. Chris Parker, Bro. Stacy Barnett, Bro. Maximiliano McMillian, Bro. Ezra Collins, Bro. Phillip Marks, Bro. Jeremy Richardson, Bro. Leon Hurst III, Bro. Xavier Graham, Bro. Parsell Murphy Jr., Bro. Roman Brown, Bro. Yusef Roberson, Bro. Anthony Jemison, Bro. Rodney Richardson, and Bro. Charles Houston. Onward and Upward Always!

Brothers Share Importance of Reading with Students

February 14, 2020 - Epsilon Rho Lambda partnered with the Department of Defense Education Activity, Gordon Elementary School, Methodist University's Elementary Education Program, and Fort Bragg Military Police to read to students. Brothers shared with students the importance of reading and diverse cultural experiences through literature written by African American authors. The event was sponsored by the Black Caucus of the National Council of Teachers of English to make literacy a significant part of Black History month.

EPL Wins
Stroll Off

February 1, 2020 - Despite pouring rain, folks came out to support the Fayetteville Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Annual Stroll Off competition on Feb. 1 at the Ambiance Entertainment Venue in Fayetteville. Although the competition was stiff, the brothers of Epsilon Rho Lambda chapter, Phi Gamma chapter (Methodist University) and several other All-American City Alphas joined forces to take hope the trophy. Bro. Battiste was a judge for the competition.


This is a great place to add a tagline.

Brown and Charity Win Brother of the Year Awards

On Dec. 17, 2019, more than 150 brothers and their guests gathered for the 113th Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Founders Day celebration at the Rudolph Jones Student Center on the campus of Fayetteville State University. The celebration included dinner, history of the fraternity and chapter, tribute to the Founding Jewels, and special awards and recognitions.

This Founders Day gives brothers the “opportunity to reflect on what it truly means to be an Alpha man and the epitome of being First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All,” said Bro. Paul Salmon, president Epsilon Rho Lambda chapter. Salmon challenged brothers to remain a “constant voice, mentor, and advocate for those who need uplifting or can’t speak for themselves.”

In keeping with this year’s theme “113 years of Leadership, Service, and Commitment,” the brotherhood recognized two of its own for their outstanding contributions to EPL and the fraternity throughout the year.

Bro. Paul Brown, past EPL president, received the Joseph W. Summers Alpha Man of the Year award. “I am humbled and honored to receive this award,” said Brown. “I can’t think of a higher honor than to be recognized by your peers.”

Bro. Phyl Charity, vice president, received the Brig. Gen. Roscoe C. Cartwright Military Brother of the Year award. Brother Charity retired from the U.S. Army after serving 33 years in uniform.


“Our chapter is filled with a legacy of monumental leaders of our Armed Forces," said Charity. It was an honor to be chosen ERL 2019 Military Brother of the Year and doubly moved to share the moment in front of my chapter brothers and wife (Maria) of 25 years."


During the ceremony, brothers acknowledged 2020 graduates from Epsilon Zeta Chapter, Fayetteville State University; Phi Gamma Chapter, Methodist University; and Tau Nu Chapter, University of North Carolina at Pembroke. Graduates received a gift in recognition of their accomplishments.

Onward and Upward always!

High-Fives, Cheers Greet Students

August 26, 2019 - Brothers of Epsilon Rho Lambda Alpha Phi Alpha, Fraternity Inc., Zeta Pi Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., other Devine Nine members, and superintendent Bro. Dr. Marvin Connelly Jr., gives high-fives to students as they arrive for the first day of school at Luther "Nick" Jeralds Middle School. Brothers from Phi Gamma chapter, Methodist University, welcomed students back to school at Douglas Bryd Middle School.

"More and more, you're going to see them involved in the community, " Connelly said. "It that old adage - it takes a village to raise a child." 

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